Come enjoy this conference center in the high desert of Northern New Mexico. Register early for workshops and enjoy the pleasure of 'unplugging' and have an adventure in a breathtakingly beautiful place where the red rocks glow in the evening sun.
Click the link below for more information on cost and registration:
Come experience this unique ‘Jam with the Land’ as we hike and explore rare areas of Ghost Ranch and the surrounding area. We will hit the trail and walk into the stories of the land with history, geology and archaeology. This signature event held during Blue Grass Camp includes a concert at the end of the week!
Hike to sites at Ghost Ranch and the surrounding area while learning the stories of geology, archaeology, paleontology, anthropology and history of the region. Join me for my unique signature program.
Join our ‘welding-in-the-round’ community and experience the thrill of metal art welding surrounded by the incredible beauty of Ghost Ranch. Learn Gas and MIG welding, plasma cutting and more to create pieces using our scrap metal pile. All materials are provided. Open to all levels 15 years old and up.
Join me at Ghost Ranch for this popular metal work program for women only. Learn the basics of oxy acetylene welding, plasma cutting and using some power tools to create art that speaks to the soul. We will focus on smaller projects using our scrap metal pile and other mixed media items. See welcome letter
Hiking the Harmonies – April 2025
Welcome Letter, Items to Bring and Sample Itinerary.
Hello and welome to ‘Hiking the Harmonies’. My name is Connie B Burkhart and I am thrilled to have you join me for this unique experience as we hike and explore the heart and soul of Ghost Ranch. With over 28 years of instructing various workshops at Ghost Ranch and decades of leading wilderness/archaeology/geology expeditions with other organizations through the 4-corners region, I am excited to have the opportunity to share this amazing location in the high desert of northern New Mexico with you. Ghost Ranch is indeed a place that begs for exploration, so here we go!
This workshop will be a blend of hiking, stories of the land and it’s people and adventure through exploration of rare sites of Ghost Ranch and the surrounding area.
You will be led off the marked trails with stories of the history, geology and archaeology of the region. Hikes will be between 2 to 4 miles in one day. You will be on uneven terrain over 6,500ft elevation.
Time will be given to find quiet space in the wilderness, where the experience is often more about the journey rather than the destination we are heading toward. There will be time to breathe and sit in silence to hear the songs of the desert on the wind. We will pay attention to the ancient stories of the land and people and there will be opportunities to explore and discover the treasures of this land, possibly finding fossils or artifacts that speak of ancient days.
The day you are scheduled to arrive, I look forward to meeting you at evening orientation after dinner where we will circle together and discuss the days to come. Our adventures will start the following morning with time for introductions and an overview of the geology of northern New Mexico in our classroom. Then we will head out for our first adventure and eat our lunch on the trail. We usually arrive back at the ranch around 3pm. Depending on the weather we may be away from the dining hall for lunch on multiple days, which means that we will pack our sack lunches after breakfast before we head out in the van for our destination of the day. Of course food is provided for us, but if you want extra 'snacks' on the trail you may bring them along. When we have lunch out on the trail we should arrive back to the ranch around 3pm so you will have some free time before dinner.
During the week you might enjoy the O’Keeffe Landscape Tour or a horse back ride – find tour or ride info at Friday is the best day to book afternoon tours or rides since we come back to the ranch for lunch.
Please find below a list of things that would be good to consider having for this adventure. Some items are available to purchase at the Ghost Ranch trading post, down the road at Bodes store or at the Family Dollar store you’ll see as you near Abiquiu. Also included below is a SAMPLE itinerary. Weather will dictate our final itinerary and length of time out on trails. Hikes will range from 2 to 4 miles with spring storms being our main focus of concern and safety.
We are going to have a wonderful experience together. I look forward to sharing some of my most cherished areas and stories of the ranch with you. Please don't hesitate to contact me for any other information that you may need.
Take Care and enjoy your day,
Connie Burkhart ~ 505 484-9887
Multiple water bottles for long hikes
Flashlight or head lamp
Bug Spray
A hat or bandana
Good shoes for off trail hikes. Heavy duty tennis shoes are fine.
At least one long sleeve shirt (for sun protection if needed)
Rain poncho or jacket
Light weight fleece or jacket – wind and evenings can get chilly
Baggies & TP for sometimes needed ‘bush breaks’ out on the trail
Lip balm
Sunglasses are a great idea too
Camera / Phone : A note about cell phones. We know a lot of us use our phone as a camera, but now that there is more phone coverage at the ranch and the surrounding area, we ask that you turn off your ring and/or notification of texts while on the trails. It can be a HUGE distraction in the wilderness. Thank you!
Daily Options may vary due to weather or ranch road access
DAY 1 / ARRIVAL DAY: Evening orientation AFTER dinner and a break out circle to meet one another and begin our journey together. We'll go over the schedule for the week as well.
DAY 2: 9 am – 3 pm Pack a lunch after breakfast then meet at 9am. Geology overview lecture, then hike. Bring your water, lunch, rain gear if needed and prepare to be out in the wild and return to the ranch for the afternoon free time.
LECTURE - Where am I? A brief orientation of the lay of the land, the rocks, the rivers, and the volcanoes - let the stories begin.
HIKE - Visit one of several AWESOME destinations. Pack a lunch. Prepare for good things!
DAY 3: 9 am – Noon:
HIKE - Out on one of the spectacular trails and locations - back for lunch at the ranch. Afternoon free.
EVENING – Bluegrass coffee house
DAY 4:9 am - 3 pm Pack a lunch, bring your rain gear, water, etc and prepare to be out in the wild until about 3pm.
CIRCLE UP/ 4:30 pm- Giving Circle before dinner
EVENING ~ Bluegrass Concert
DAY 5: DEPARTURE after Breakfast – I know, I always want it to last longer too!
Explore the geology, paleontology, archaeology, anthropology and history of Ghost Ranch and the surrounding area through easy to moderate hikes to places that tell the stories of the rocks, the people and the fossilized life of the past. Learn how these ‘ologies’ fit together bringing history to life as we set the stage with lectures and adventures out in the field visiting sites and important geologic areas. Participants must be able to hike at 6,500ft in elevation on uneven terrain carrying a light pack for water and a sack lunch as at least two of our hikes will take us out in the wilderness until early afternoon. This earth science-based hiking excursion will weave together the stories of time, taking us back to the period when the first dinosaurs roamed the land that is now Ghost Ranch.
Hello and welcome to Hike the ‘Ologies’. I’m excited to offer this program which focuses on geology, archaeology and paleontology of Ghost Ranch and the surrounding area. I have been leading hiking programs at the ranch for over 25 years and although all my events have components of the ‘ologies’, this week with be filled with specific visits to sites and areas of interest to each of the disciplines we are addressing.
Ghost Ranch boasts amazing sites to study about Triassic life as well as cultural sites where excavations have produced artifacts that are over four thousand years old! Located at the edge of three geologic zones, the rocks of the ranch and nearby Abiquiu tell intriguing stories of the earth’s tectonic movements in North America. When we visit the various sites, we will hike to some locations and drive to others and some days will have multiple stops. As always, our adventures are weather permitting and we will be spending two days out on trails with sack lunches so we enjoy the full wilderness experience.
Be prepared to walk/hike 1 to 4 miles over uneven terrain at 6,500ft, although the hikes for this program will be less vigorous than other classes I lead. Below I have included a list of items that will be good to bring for our time out on the trail. Hikes will be in the mornings until lunch or longer if we are on our sack lunch days, which are Tuesday and Thursday. If you want to book an afternoon tour or horseback ride with the ranch, Monday and Wednesday are good days to do so. There will be some evening class opportunities after dinner during the week as well. The temperature can get chilly at night, but every year is different, so check the forecasts before packing your gear!
I look forward to our time together to explore the amazing sites in this beautiful time of year. Please don’t hesitate to be in contact with me with any questions.
Take care and safe travels!
Connie B. Burkhart
505 484-9887
Multiple water bottles for long hikes
Flashlight or head lamp
A hat or bandana
Good shoes for off trail hikes. Heavy duty tennis shoes are fine.
At least one long sleeve shirt (for sun protection if needed)
Rain poncho
Baggies & TP for sometimes needed ‘bush breaks’ out on the trail
Lip balm
Sunglasses are a great idea too
Camera / Phone : A note about cell phones. We know a lot of us use our phone as a camera, but now that there is more phone coverage at the ranch and the surrounding area, we ask that you turn off your ring and/or notification of texts while on the trails. It can be a HUGE distraction in the wilderness.
SAMPLE SCHEDULE ~ Hike the ‘Ologies’
Lecture Drive/Hike to to geologic sites on Ghost Ranch & the Abiquiu area
Sack Lunch in the field
EVENING: Hike to Coelophysis Quarry
Drive/Hike to varies sites on and off Ghost Ranch with
Lunch back at the ranch / museum open for you to visit
EVENING: 7pm Dinosaurs Alive IMAX film featuring ghost ranch
Hike to archaeology sites. (Meet at the van in dining hall parking area)
Back to the ranch for lunch.
Pick up your box lunch at breakfast.
(Gather at 9am in dining hall parking area) Back by 3pm
On the trail until 3pm.
EVENING: 7pm History walk around the ranch
HIKE to more amazing sites. Back for lunch at the ranch
4pm Circle Up gifting circle in classroom until dinner
SATURDAY: Depart after breakfast
Join our “welding-in-the-round” community and experience the thrill of metal art welding surrounded by the incredible beauty of Ghost Ranch. Learn the basics of oxygen acetylene welding and brazing, MIG & stick welding, plasma cutting and other metal cutting and forming techniques to make functional pieces and metal sculpture. Create your pieces using scrap metal from ferrous (iron) and non-ferrous materials that are in our 'treasure' pile. All materials are provided, but you will want to bring your own snug fitting leather wrist length gloves for comfort and dexterity. Please read the welcome letter for more class details and daily studio schedule info. The Ghost Ranch legacy of 'Wretched Welders' is honored to be offered for over 45 years, come be a part of the family! Open to all levels of experience age 15 plus.
(Three one week sessions available)
Get ready! Get set! Get fired up for your fun-filled class of creativity, sparks and the enticing smell of burning metal.
WHAT WE PROVIDE & WHAT YOU NEED TO BRING ~ We have all the tools you need and we delight in helping you safely and efficiently cut, form and work metal. For your supply needs the only item we ask you to bring is a pair of your own snug fitting leather ‘deer skin weight’ wrist length work gloves. This is important and helps with dexterity for most areas of your work. Check out gloves at a home improvement box store or online shopping option to help keep the cost down. We do provide large, heavy welding gloves for your bigger spark throwing activities as well as your eye and ear protectors, aprons, Oxy/acetylene and MIG and stick welders, plasma cutters, power grinders, scrap metals, tools and personal work stations.
Some folks like to bring their own metal treasures to incorporate in a project or share with the class, but it is not a necessity. We ALWAYS accept metal donations to our ‘treasure pile’ if you bring some scrap and want to leave something behind for the next ‘welding bug bitten’ victim that’s great. Speaking of bugs, every year is different, but it’s good to bring some bug repellent as swatting a mosquito while holding a lit torch does not usually turn out well for the insect, you or the welder next to you. Also remember that you will take home what you design and build, so it has to fit in the overhead bin, under the seat, in the bed of the truck or on top of your vehicle. Create responsibly.
WHAT TO WEAR ~ For our class, dress in layers using a cotton long sleeve cotton shirt to put over your T-shirt when needed and always wear long pants and closed toed leather shoes. Bring clothes you won’t mind getting dirty or burning small holes in. Also helpful is a bandana to protect your hair and hold your goggles on your head when not in use People always admire our outfits at every meal!
CLASSROOM LOCATION ~ We are excited to announce that our 2025 studio space for our sessions will be located in our new welding studio location behind the old barn on the campground side of the ranch. We are thrilled about finally having this permanent space since losing our pole barn in the flash flood of 2015. We have been working hard preparing the new ‘digs’ and our first classes will be held there starting in July 2025. This amazing new space allows us to be as loud and obnoxious as only welders can be and it is located right next to the Service Corps building which will allow for some great interactions.
SCHEDULE ~ When you arrive at Ghost Ranch on Sunday afternoon check in at the Welcome Center first. Dinner is from 5:30 - 6:30 and then we will gather at 6:45pm for general ranch orientation and first class meeting. We will not weld the day you arrive, but we will briefly discuss what to expect for the coming day when we ‘Fire It Up’! We work from 9 a.m. to 5p.m. Monday through Thursday with a break from noon to 1:30pm for rest and lunch. Friday we work from 9 a.m. to just after lunch to finish up our pieces and clean up the workstations. After the area is cleaned on Friday afternoon, as a group we will transport and set up our creations for the after dinner Friday Art Show. This show is an anticipated event for the culmination of the week’s work. Please plan on taking your creations with you after the art show on Friday evening, that is, unless you sell your piece to an admirer!
We anxiously await your arrival at the ranch and look forward to continuing the 'wretched welder' legacy! (We will share that story during class) Travel Safely and get ready for a great experience surrounded by the incredible inspiring beauty of Ghost Ranch.
Take Care, and please feel free to contact us with any additional information you may need regarding Fire it Up! Art Welding.
Connie B. Burkhart
Join our “welding-in-the-round” circle of women and experience the thrill of metal art welding surrounded by the incredible beauty of Ghost Ranch. Metal design artist Connie B Burkhart will teach the basics of oxygen acetylene welding, brazing and plasma cutting to make metal sculpture inspired by the feminine fire within. We will first focus on an intentional project of a guardian figure to learn the different techniques of cutting and joining metal. In our work we will use power tools like a metal chop saw, varied types of grinders and drills to shape metal. We will focus on smaller work creating your pieces using scrap metal and other materials such as glass beads or old jewelry to adorn your designs. All materials are provided, but we ask you bring your own light weight snug fitting wrist length leather work gloves. Imagine the thrill of melting metal and letting your creative juices flow with this unique art form. Please see the welcome letter for more detailed information
Hello and welcome to Welding for Women at Ghost Ranch! It promises to be a unique week filled with art, laughter and a space to create from the heart. I have instructed welding at Ghost Ranch for over 28 years and I have always wanted to combine this wonderful art form with mindful creation using stories and experiences that feed the soul. We will focus on some intentional projects and designs using gas welding, brazing and plasma cutting. This class is for all levels, but also wonderful for first timers working with welding torches. We will focus on smaller projects to fine tune the amazing process of welding and brazing to join metal. In our work we will use power tools like a metal chop saw, varied types of grinders and drills to shape metal. Our other course called ‘Fire It Up! Art Welding’ (taught in July) adds in electric welding options like MIG and stick for larger heavy metal designs. Both classes complement each other and although there is some overlap, ‘Welding For Women’ will offer an integrative experience that includes stories of some of the women in the history of Ghost Ranch as well as the ancient cultures that called this land their home. I find that knowing more about the space and place where you ‘dive into the river of creativity’ sparks the fire of inspiration. As women, I believe we have feminine fire within that is full of unique insight, strength and understanding that adds to the depth of our artistic creations.
CLASSROOM LOCATION ~ I am excited to announce that our 2025 space for our class will be located in our new welding studio location behind the old barn on the campground side of the ranch. We are thrilled about finally having this permanent space since losing our pole barn in the flash flood of 2015. We have been working hard preparing the new ‘digs’ and our first classes will be held there starting in July 2025..
SCHEDULE ~ The day after you arrive at the ranch you will learn the basics of oxy/acetylene welding from the ground up as we walk through tank safety and welding procedures. You will be lighting your torch by lunch the first day, so get ready for the fun to begin! Our daily schedule will have two welding sessions - 9am to noon & 1:30 to 4:30. Evenings are free for you to enjoy the ranch. Wednesday and Thursday afternoon sessions are flexible for those who would like to book a tour or horseback ride or be away for a time if desired. Our last day of class we work from 9 a.m. to 2:30pm when you will finish up those last minute welds and clean up your space. After the area is cleaned we will gather in a final circle and then transport and set up our creations for your after dinner Art Show. This show is an anticipated event for the culmination of the week's work. Please plan on taking your creations with you after the art show ends in the evening, that is, unless you sell your piece to an admirer!
DRESS FOR SUCCESS ~ Now for some logistics and items that will add to your success during the week. It is very important to dress appropriately for class. Please come with your own snug fitting deerskin weight work gloves for our detailed work with the torch. I use lightweight garden leather gloves I buy through Amazon or other stores like Lowes. Bode’s here in Abiquiu also carries work gloves, but they are expensive compared to what you can find and bring with you. Often, it can be hard finding small women’s work gloves which is irritating!! The better your light weight gloves fit the more success you’ll have maneuvering the knobs and other tools. We supply heavy large gloves for activities that throw sparks. Long cotton pants are best (leggings are not suitable) and closed toe (leather/like) footwear to protect your legs and feet from sparks and molten metal. T-Shirts are OK but bring a cotton long sleeve shirt to use when you are creating sparks with grinders or other tools. It is fine to work in short sleeves and put your long sleeves on when needed. Another helpful item is a bandana for your head. It helps keep your googles in place especially when you move them up and down as you are working. I’ll provide aprons to protect clothing but be aware, you most likely will get a few holes in what you choose to wear for welding. You will have your own work station area and you may leave things there to have for the week. Remember that mornings and evenings may be chilly in October.
OUR GUARDIANS & MATERIALS ~ As I mentioned in the course description I will guide you as a class in creating an intentional design of a guardian figure that will lend itself to many aspects of joining and finishing metal sculpture. In making this piece you will learn varied processes that are used in creating metal designs as well as taking some time to consider those in your life that have been ‘guides or guardians’ to you. These figures are referring to my signature design called ‘She Who Walks With Me’ that are made mainly from steel (for the base), copper pipe (for the body), and mixed media decorative items. Each figure ranges from about 9”-10” high and they are all unique to how you are called to design them. All materials are provided so you do not need to worry about bringing any scrap metal - that is included in the cost of the class. The figures are decorated with beads, stones, feathers, and/or other mixed media objects, which will also be provided. However, if you have special decorative items like small stones, jewelry scraps, crystals, etc., you may consider bringing those and incorporating them in your design. I use a lot of old jewelry I received from my mother and that makes my ‘She Who Walks With Me’ designs even more meaningful when they come to life. You are welcome to bring some of your own things that you may want to use as a design element on your pieces. I use a variety of items to finish a piece after the welding is done. A supply of ‘fun’ things will be available for class so don’t feel you need to figure it all out before you come. Also note that this will be only one of the projects during the week and there will be opportunities to make other designs, as inspired. Welding classes have a permanent large scrap pile that workshop participants can pull from for extra materials.
I anxiously await your arrival at Ghost Ranch and look forward to seeing you briefly at the ranch orientation at 6:45pm after dinner on the day you arrive. Our meeting that night will be quick so you can get some rest and know what to expect for the coming day when we gather at 9am in Longhouse.
I hope this information is helpful for your planning.
Please feel free to reach out with any other questions that you may have. Travel safely and get ready for a great experience surrounded by the incredible inspiring beauty surrounded by beauty of Ghost Ranch.
Take Care,
Connie B. Burkhart
505 484-9887
SATURDAY Connie B Burkhart sitting on a fault line